Employment of Palestinian human rights institutions for Public Relations with the media





Human rights Organizations, Public Relations, Media relations, Media


This study aims to reveal the level of Palestinian non-profit institutions’ use of their media relations, by studying the case of human rights institutions in the West Bank, to understand how these institutions employ their media relations. This study considers a descriptive and analytical study that seeks to describe, monitor and analyze the level of human rights institutions’ use of their relations with the media, by collecting data using the mixed approach; the quantitative approach represented by the questionnaire tool, which was distributed to 83 human rights institutions, in addition to the qualitative approach represented by the interview tool. The study concluded that most Palestinian human rights institutions are keen to employ their relations with the media and make relationships with them at a rate of 50%, also, 44% of them are keen to build relationships with the media, in addition, 33% of them invite the media to cover their activities, also, 34% of the institutions have A specialized team for communicating with the media, Finally, 33% are keen to communicate with various local media outlets without discrimination. At the same time, a third of Palestinian human rights institutions have little interest in their media relations and are not keen on communicating with the media and building relationships with them, they also don't invite the media to cover their activities and don't have A specialized team to communicate with the media.


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DOI: 10.33102/jcicom.vol4no1.99
Published: 2024-07-01

How to Cite

Adway, A., & Alhilo, H. . (2024). Employment of Palestinian human rights institutions for Public Relations with the media. Al-i’lam - Journal of Contemporary Islamic Communication and Media, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.33102/jcicom.vol4no1.99