Implementation of The Excellence Theory to Enhance Reputation of Indonesian National Police
election, excellence theory, government public relations, management reputation, police public relationsAbstract
This article examines the reputation management carried out by the Indonesian National Police during the Presidential Election in 2019 by using the Excellence Theory. In this political year, pressure on the Indonesian National Police is increasing, consequently mistakes made by the Indonesian National Police will undoubtedly negatively impact for their reputation. Therefore, the Indonesian National Police needs to carry out a particular strategy to maintain its public support, public trust, and their reputation. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with the internal police and surveys of the external public. The results of this study indicate that in 2019 the Indonesian police did not meet all the criteria in the Excellence Theory. The unique characteristics of police institutions limit the activities of police public relations. Surprisingly, the reputation of the police is still positive, and the police still gain the trust and support of the public.
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