A Look at the Transformational Leadership and Strategic Communication towards Madani Ummah
Madani Ummah, Strategic Communication, LeadershipAbstract
Malaysia Madani, a political slogan termed by the current premiership, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on January 19th, 2023, who wish to promote the six core values of socio-economic-politics concerns: Sustainability, Prosperity, Innovation, Respect, Trust, and Care and Compassion, hence will ultimately produce Madani Ummah or Madani Society. Today, in a multi-religion country like Malaysia, the concept of Madani has been re-popularised in the political stage with the ultimate purpose of creating a good-will living, civilized in which various human rights are fulfilled, appreciated, and respected in life both for the Muslims and Non-Muslims. Towards achieving these objectives, the roles of strategic communicator as liaison between the government and its citizens are crucial. This paper aims to understand the roles of strategic communicator in propagating the concept of Madani and to materialise the establishment of Madani Ummah. This paper has also utilised the Transformational Leadership theory as the base of theoretical framework of research which suggest that effective leaders can bring major changes to the organisation they lead and motivate the subordinate to support the vision, and in this context refer to the government of Malaysia. This conceptual paper employs literature review through secondary material as the methodology. This study revealed that the strategic communication is a very important stepping stone for any governmental effort particularly in educating the citizens on the public policies and governmental planning. This study also highlighted the significant roles strategic communicator plays for instance the leadership through example, inclusive communication plan and being optimistic, as well as the involvement of every layer of the Malaysian citizens, not only to know, understand, but also support the mission planned by the leading team of the day for a long-term accomplishment. Apparently, the afore-mentioned theory explains well on the important elements needed for any organisational setting to make positive changes.
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