Exploring the Usage of Computer-Mediated Communication in Assisting Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Communicate
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Computer-Mediated Communication, Social Interaction, Education, Non-Verbal CommunicationAbstract
Impairments in social interaction are the primary characteristics of an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In addition, communication becomes the main issue that people with ASD will be struggling with. Nowadays, technology has become a necessity for our daily life, and it provides convenience to people to communicate effectively. However, ASD individuals may experience a wide variety of communication challenges. Most of the parents were concerned that the usage of the technology may negatively impact their ASD child. Hence, by conducting this study, we will understand how technology may affect them. This research aims to explore the usage of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in assisting ASD individuals in communicating. A qualitative research method is chosen to conduct this research, and the phenomenological study served as the research design. The samples were selected through non-probability sampling. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with parents with ASD children, Special Education teachers or caregivers, therapists, and instructional communication technology experts to gather insightful information about CMC and ASD individuals. Findings indicated that all the informants agreed the CMC, such as computers, phones, or TV, can encourage ASD individuals to communicate with others and helps in their education. Even though the CMC helps the ASD individual in communication and education, throughout learning and communication, the usage of the CMC should be monitored to avoid addiction.
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