Drama in Qur’an: An Analytical Study of stories from Al- Qur’an in light of the dramatic structure





Drama, AL-Quran, Simulation, dramatic structure


This study aims to discuss and analyze stories from Holy Qur’an that included the use of drama to understand this use, and how to benefit from simulation in conveying the Qur’anic message in light of the dramatic structure. The study used the descriptive analytical method and content analysis of the Quranic stories that used simulation. The study concluded that Qur'an included dramatic models that perform representation and simulation through the characters that were present in the dramatic scenes; such as Yusef's brothers, Al-Aziz's wife, the hypocrites, and the crow in the story of the two sons of Adam, These stories included elements of dramatic structure, and there are several directions for drama in Holy Qur’an, including: some of them aim to achieve an educational goal, such as the story of the crow that Allah sent to teach Adam's son how to bury his brother, others were in the form of drama that a person practices in his life to get out of difficult situations, as happened in the story of the sister of Prophet Musa,  also, some of them were for characters who practised evil, such as Al-Aziz's wife in the story of the Prophet Yusuf, who made a drama to escape from the truth, also, the hypocrites who appear as Muslims but are non-Muslims, In addition to Yusef's brothers, who represented the scenario of getting rid of their brother and used simulation to escape from the consequences of their wrongdoing. This study contributes to researching a topic in Holy Quran from the perspective of the science of communication and drama, which is considered a new addition to this field.


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DOI: 10.33102/jcicom.vol3no2.80
Published: 2023-12-31

How to Cite

Adway, A. (2023). Drama in Qur’an: An Analytical Study of stories from Al- Qur’an in light of the dramatic structure. Al-i’lam - Journal of Contemporary Islamic Communication and Media, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.33102/jcicom.vol3no2.80