Treatment of Historical and Informational Events in Arab Drama




Dramatic treatment, historical events, historical drama, series of Omar


Drama writers have great importance in writing history in people's minds in contemporary societies, which makes historical drama an important source of information. This study aims to research how to present events and information in Arab historical drama in accordance to the directions of dealing with the information on which the dramas of Islamic history are based. The study used the descriptive-analytical approach and the two methods of content analysis and statistical analysis, it took the series of "Omar" as a case study to research in the treatment of historical information. The study concluded the importance of informational accuracy in the treatment of events in increasing audience confidence in the series, Therefore, the series of Omar benefited from specialists in history and Sharia to review texts and historical events. While the dramatist may use fantasy in details in which no texts were mentioned, relying on understanding the nature of life in this time that is being simulated, but relying on imagination is not correct in dealing with the history of sensitive personalities such as Sahaba, while this is possible with other characters and with a positive portrayal of them.


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DOI: 10.33102/jcicom.vol2no1.36
Published: 2022-07-06

How to Cite

Adway, A. M. . (2022). Treatment of Historical and Informational Events in Arab Drama. Al-i’lam - Journal of Contemporary Islamic Communication and Media, 2(1).