Marketing Communication Strategy Implementation of The Bantul Regency Tourism Department’s Instagram @Jelajahbantul.Id to Increase Followers in 2023
Bantul Regency Tourism Department, Communication, Followers, Instagram, Marketing Strategy.Abstract
The Bantul Regency Tourism Department has strategically positioned Instagram as a key platform in its marketing strategy. Utilizing Instagram, the department executes effective marketing communications, ensuring swift and extensive engagement with consumers. This study aims to assess the implementation of the Bantul Regency Tourism Department's marketing communication strategy through Instagram, with a focus on increasing followers in 2023 on the Instagram account as a replacement from @dinparbantul account which was hacked on August 3rd 2023. The research adopts a qualitative approach, employing a case study method. Data for the study were gathered through structured interviews and document analysis. The interviewees included three employees from the tourism department and two followers of the account. Additionally, document analysis involved examining posts, comments, and direct messages on the Instagram account, collected through screen captures. The selection of samples followed purposive criteria defined by the researcher. The findings reveal that out of the four strategies implemented by the Bantul Regency Tourism Department on their Instagram account, there have proven most effective in increasing followers: increasing engagement and collaborations. Increasing engagement emerged as the most impactful strategy for increasing follower numbers increasing engagement, this strategy was adopted as a distinctive approach to set the department apart from others and excel in public service, while collaboration became the most intensively applied strategy by the Bantul Regency Tourism Department These two strategies emerged as exceptional, becoming the primary focus for implementation during the post-hack period in the department.
Keywords: Bantul Regency Tourism Department, Communication, Followers, Instagram, Marketing Strategy.
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