Persuasive Communication in Selling Sharia-based Product in Indonesia: A Perspective of Cognitive Dissonance Theory During Covid-19 Pandemic



cognitive dissonance; covid-19; persuasive communication; sharia-based product; personal selling


The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported that by the end of 2020, the market share of sharia-based assets in the non-bank financial industry was a mere 4.61 percent of the total assets in this sector. Sales agents serve as intermediaries, referring potential customers to financing companies and earning a commission in return. This study examines the persuasive communication activities employed by sales agents when reaching out to Muslim potential customers during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of Cognitive Dissonance Theory. Potential customers might encounter cognitive dissonance, an unbalanced psychological state, when they perceive contradictions or inconsistencies in the sales agents' communication. This can affect their purchasing decisions and loyalty towards a particular product or service. This research, which adopted a qualitative case study approach, is anchored in three interconnected concepts: personal selling, persuasive communication, and cognitive dissonance. In-depth interviews with sales agents were the primary data collection method. Findings revealed that sales agents predominantly focus on the commercial benefits over sharia principles in their messaging. It indicates a potential misalignment between the sales agents priorities and the values of their target customers. Furthermore, cognitive dissonance stemming from sharia principles was found to be less significant for potential customers compared to other commercial concerns.


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How to Cite

Purnamasari, O., & Tirta, A. (2024). Persuasive Communication in Selling Sharia-based Product in Indonesia: A Perspective of Cognitive Dissonance Theory During Covid-19 Pandemic. Al-i’lam - Journal of Contemporary Islamic Communication and Media, 4(1). Retrieved from